Sledgehammer Pitched 3rd Person Call of Duty Meets Uncharted

Former Sledgehammer Games creative director Bret Robbins has revealed that the studio once pitched a 3rd person “Uncharted meets Call of Duty” game. It’s been known for a while that a Call of Duty game set in Vietnam (also known as Fog of War) was in the works, but this is the first we’ve heard of an Uncharted inspired idea. The team had created an internal demo for it, but the idea was shelved.

Call of Duty 3rd person demo was “fun,” says former Sledgehammer dev

Robbins revealed in an interview with MinnMax that Sledgehammer pitched the idea when it was first formed. The team created a prototype that he described as “fun” and “cool,” and although it didn’t come to fruition, Robbins thinks “someone should go and make that game someday.”

Sledgehammer’s Call of Duty pitch was for a game that would have been “gritty” and a “brutal war experience” brought to us by the folks behind Dead Space.

Robbins didn’t say why Activision decided not to go ahead with the pitch, but he did say that the team never got far with the project. Sledgehammer eventually went on to make Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

Would our readers play an “Uncharted meets Call of Duty?”

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